Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tyler's tips on prayer

Here is a list of helpful tips on prayer. These tips are for both individual and group prayer.

1.) Don't be afraid of silence. (Psalm 40:1)
Sitting in silence can be a great part of prayer, where your thoughts are organized and your heart can be calmed.
2.) Use your own words.
No need for fancy language, just talk how you would normally talk every day.
3.) Don't try to impress people. (Matt. 6:5)
This is a conversation between you and God, don't worry about what other people think.
4.) Remember you're talking to God.
5.) Find a quiet place. (Matt. 6:6)
6.) It doesn't have to be long. (Matt. 6:7)
Prayers can be long but that does not mean they have to be in order to be meaningful. You should not feel like you have to pray for 7 hours before God hears it.
7.) Pray throughout the day. (1 Thess. 5:17)
At times I have been in the habit of beginning my day with prayer and seeing my whole day as a prayer to God. I then end the day with "Amen" before I fall asleep.
8.) Nothing is too small to pray about.
9.) Be honest.
10.) Talk slowly.
11.) Closing your eyes is to block out distractions.
There is nothing more holy about closing your eyes or folding your hands, it simply allows you not to be distracted by other things. Do it if it helps.
12.) Write your prayers down.
In your journal write out whole prayers or lists of things or people to pray for. It will help direct your time in prayer.
13.) Tell other people what you're praying for.
14.) Pray through Scripture.
Try the Psalms or other of your favorite passages.
15.) Don't pray where you sleep.
Because you'll fall asleep!
16. Pray while you're doing daily tasks.
Laundry, cleaning, driving to school, etc.

This list was given out at Bible study. If you would like a hard copy or if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at tandersen84@live.com

Tips On Running From Sin

I am in no way an expert in the field of resisting sin. So this list is not compiled by a master but by a guy who desires to grow and find greater success in fighting sin as I grow in Christ. Here is a list of some techniques in the battle to resist sin that I have compiled based on advice I have received over the years from better men than myself.
You will notice that nearly each suggestion is followed by one or more of the 5 pillars of the JHC. This is to show how instrumental these pillars are in the everyday life of the believer.

1) Prepare
  • Know who you are (God's glory/Gospel). Romans 6:11
  • Know what you struggle with.
  • Know what the Bible says sin, and sins in particular (Scripture).
  • Know that sin breaks God's heart (God's glory).
  • Confess to others (family). James 5:16
  • Pray for one another (prayer/family). James 5:16.
  • Seek advice from Christians you respect (family).

2) Get away!
  • Get away from the temptation.
  • Tell someone about the struggle (family).
  • Pray; alone and/or with others (prayer/family).
  • Get busy-set your mind on things that honor God (God's glory). Colossians 3:2
  • Have reminders around you of who you are in Christ (Gospel). Romans 6:11

This list was given out in a handout at Bible study. If you would like a hard copy or have any questions please feel free to contact me at tandersen84@live.com